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Hama - Ladestation Quadruple Ps4 Og Ps Vr/move Controllere

Hama - Ladestation Quadruple Ps4 Og Ps Vr/move Controllere

You sometimes have problems keeping track of all of your console accessories? You need different charging stations for your PS4 controller and PS Move controller? Why not get this quadruple charging station that allows you to charge 4 controllers? Get organized with Hama. • Charging station for charging 2 original PS4 controllers and 2 original PS Move controllers• Easy Plug-In design to make it as easy as possible to insert the controller• Charge via 2 x USB-A to micro B Y cable• Compact design• Rubberised stand• USB cable length: approx. 1 m Type: Opladningssystem Platform: PlayStation 4 Farve på produkt: Sort Kompabilitet: PS4/PS VR Forbindelsesteknologi: Ledningsført Bredde: 65 mm Dybde: 210 mm Højde: 70 mm Antal medfølgende produkter: 1 stk
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Produkt beskrivelse

You sometimes have problems keeping track of all of your console accessories? You need different charging stations for your PS4 controller and PS Move controller? Why not get this quadruple charging station that allows you to charge 4 controllers? Get organized with Hama. • Charging station for charging 2 original PS4 controllers and 2 original PS Move controllers• Easy Plug-In design to make it as easy as possible to insert the controller• Charge via 2 x USB-A to micro B Y cable• Compact design• Rubberised stand• USB cable length: approx. 1 m Type: Opladningssystem Platform: PlayStation 4 Farve på produkt: Sort Kompabilitet: PS4/PS VR Forbindelsesteknologi: Ledningsført Bredde: 65 mm Dybde: 210 mm Højde: 70 mm Antal medfølgende produkter: 1 stk

Produkt Specifikationer

Hama - Ladestation Quadruple Ps4 Og Ps Vr/move Controllere
Hostname: dc1-fe-kelkoo9-01 Version: 2.2.137