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OMNITRONIC M-22 USB Dynamic microphone

OMNITRONIC M-22 USB Dynamic microphone

199,00 kr.
Dynamic USB microphone with stand Plugs in directly to any computer with a USB port for digital recordings Plug & play: connects to PC and Mac without driver installation Cardioid pickup pattern for effective feedback elimination Encapsulation against the build-up of static charge Broad well-balanced frequency range for natural sound On/off sliding switch Power supply via USB Ideal for podcasters, musicians, journalists and anyone requiring recordings for websites or multimedia presentations Cable with USB connector and stand included Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 and Mac OS X 10.3.9 and better On/off/mute-switch: Yes
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Laveste pris på rekorden (28.11.2024) : 185,00 kr. | Laveste pris i dag : 199,00 kr.

Produkt beskrivelse

Dynamic USB microphone with stand Plugs in directly to any computer with a USB port for digital recordings Plug & play: connects to PC and Mac without driver installation Cardioid pickup pattern for effective feedback elimination Encapsulation against the build-up of static charge Broad well-balanced frequency range for natural sound On/off sliding switch Power supply via USB Ideal for podcasters, musicians, journalists and anyone requiring recordings for websites or multimedia presentations Cable with USB connector and stand included Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 and Mac OS X 10.3.9 and better On/off/mute-switch: Yes

Produkt Specifikationer

OMNITRONIC M-22 USB Dynamic microphone
Dynamiske Mikrofoner
Hostname: dc1-r9-fe-kelkoo9-08.fe.dc1.kelkoo.net Version: 1.0.17