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Speedo Women's Swimsuit Essential Grace U-Back Maternity 1 Piece, Black (Black), XS

Speedo Women's Swimsuit Essential Grace U-Back Maternity 1 Piece, Black (Black), XS

317,48 kr.
Comfortable, stretchy fabric provide a great fit that flatters pregnancy silhouettes Bust support provides lift and support for a comfortable, secure fit U-back style for freedom of movement Flattering side ruched detailing Leg height: Medium Composition: 80% PA / 20% EA Comfortable, stretchy fabric provide a great fit that flatters pregnancy silhouettes Bust support provides lift and support for a comfortable, secure fit U-back style for freedom of movement Flattering side ruched detailing Leg height: Medium Composition: 80% PA / 20% EA
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Laveste pris på rekorden (27.5.2024) : 42,04 kr. | Laveste pris i dag : 42,04 kr.

Produkt beskrivelse

Comfortable, stretchy fabric provide a great fit that flatters pregnancy silhouettes Bust support provides lift and support for a comfortable, secure fit U-back style for freedom of movement Flattering side ruched detailing Leg height: Medium Composition: 80% PA / 20% EA Comfortable, stretchy fabric provide a great fit that flatters pregnancy silhouettes Bust support provides lift and support for a comfortable, secure fit U-back style for freedom of movement Flattering side ruched detailing Leg height: Medium Composition: 80% PA / 20% EA

Produkt Specifikationer

Speedo Women's Swimsuit Essential Grace U-Back Maternity 1 Piece, Black (Black), XS
One Piece
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